Mel Gibson: March 2007 Archives

Mel Gibson should obviously be on medication.  What happened to the friendly Mel that we all knew and loved?

On Thursday night, Gibson made a stop at Cal State Northridge to promote his film 'Apocalypto.' Central American Studies Professor Dr. Alicia Estrada asked Gibson about the negative portrayal of Mayans in the film. The teacher went on to say that Mayans have suffered from death and poverty but were depicted as ignorant and bloodthirsty in Mel's movie.

Dr. Estrada then yielded the floor to members of the Mayan community, and that's where all hell broke loose.  Here's how the school's newspaper described it:

Members of the Mayan community were present and Estrada passed the microphone to Mayan community leader Felipe Perez who read in Spanish, the Mayan community's response to the film. Estrada translated, but because of the audience uproar, she could not be heard.

While Estrada and Perez spoke, CTVA students and others in the audience booed, yelled, "This is America, speak English!" and shouted for them to sit down and shut up.

Due to the yelling, Gibson said, "I can't understand what you're saying."

Security personnel began pushing the speaker and turned off Perez's microphone. Gibson said to let them talk, and the microphone was turned back on.

Acting like a maniac, Mel dropped a series of F-bombs concluding with "I think you're a fucking troublemaker, so fuck off."

The professor said she believes the film is obviously racist, but Gibson responded by saying, "I don't think it's racist at all, and I resent you saying that it is."

Dr. Estrada said she wants an apology not only to her, but to the university and to the Mayan community.

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