Paternity test ordered for Anna Nicole Smith's baby

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Judgement day has come in the Anna Nicole Smith paternity case.  A Bahamian judge ordered that Smith's infant daughter and sole heir submit DNA to determine who her father is.

Not only does Dannielynn have to submit her DNA, but so does Howard K. Stern - the man who is listed as her father on her current birth certificate.

Larry Birkhead, Smith's ex-boyfriend who requested the tests, left the court room pumping his fists to signify his own victory.  Birkhead has been confident that he was Dannielynn's father even before Anna Nicole died on Feb. 8.

"I feel great," he said. "It's been a good day in court for me."

Sources close to the investigation tell that the tests are expected to occur immediately and results could be released later this week.

Anna Nicole's estranged mother Virgie Arthur plans to step in and seek custody if Birkhead isn't proven to be the father.

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marlana thomas said:

I think all this Anna Nicole Smith stuff is gone crazy That poor Baby dosent even know all thats going on and when she grows up having to look back on all this is going to be heartbreaking and as for Anna Nicole it is clear she is a Whore all these men and money and yet its been over a month and nobody even knows who this baby belongs to.. I am sorry Anna Smith died but why is all this taking so long and it should be kept somewhat more private because of this innocent child involved its not her fault her mother slept with everyone coming and going...

John said:

I think the authorities should be keeping a close eye on Stern right now. He's about to lose the paternity case, things are not going his way, and he may also end up losing his home and the money he thought he'd get from Anna Nicole. I imagine it must have been awful living with a person like Anna Nicole who was accustomed to having her own way, and who probably came to believe she was like God because of all the yes men around her telling her how great she was, and because she was so doped up. I imagine Stern feared if she was too lucid, she'd fire him right out of her life, like she had others before him, so Stern kept her dependent on him, by being her servant, always agreeing with her, keeping her drug supply coming in, and being a lawyer, he'd convince her of his value to her. Mr. Stern helped create and maintain that awful personality of hers by keeping her isolated, on drugs, and lying to her, enabling her in every way. He's a desperate man right now, and desperate men do desperate things. That baby should not be alone in his care right now. In fact, that baby should be far away from him, for her own protection. I'd also be checking into Stern's emotional state right now, and any harm he could do to himself. His life is unravelling before him and he's no longer in control of it. A guy who's so used to having control, deceiving everyone now being exposed and vulnerable, might not be thinking rationally.

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