KaPOOR excuse from Anna Nicole Smith's methadone doctor...

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The man who prescribed methadone to Anna Nicole Smith while she was pregnant is speaking out (through his attorney) regarding allegations that he won't cooperate with the medical examiner's report. 

Dr. Joshua Perper is responsible for determining the cause of Anna Nicole's death, but Dr. Sandeep Kapoor won't talk to him. Kapoor's attorney says he can not contribute anything to the investigation. 

I guess since he knew that it was medically sound to give methadone to a pregnant woman with a drug problem, then he knows that he isn't needed to determine her cause of death.  LOSER!

Get more coverage of Anna Nicole Smith's sudden death and the controversy surrounding it while you're here.

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kerry said:

I'm not saying this doc was right in what he did--A.N.S. obviously was not in any shape to be entrusted with large amounts of ANY drug. However, methadone IS the approved treatment for pregnant opioid addicts everywhere. It is extremely unsafe for the fetus to go through withdrawals in the womb and it can and does cause fetal death on a regular basis. Opiates are not teratogens--they do not cause birth defects, mental OR physical. However, they will, of course, cause neonatal dependence, and to have the mother stop taking opioids during pregnancy--even if she tapers off slowly--is NOT safe for the baby. Pregnant women are switched to methadone, which they receive in regular, stable doses and which has a long half life, enabling the mother and baby to go a full 24 hours without withdrawals and avoiding the sharp highs and lows of short acting opiates like Vicodin or heroin. When the child is born, it may or may not experience neonatal abstinence syndrome. If it does, it is kept in the hospital for a few days oup to several weeks and tapered slowly and comfortably with methadone, morphine or phenobarbital. These babies do just fine and have no noticeable problems in later life.

Rosanna said:

In case you didn't know, methadone IS also approved for pain treatment, pregnancy included (in case she had lupus, she probably was without medications for lupus AND lupus does flare-up during pregnancy). So guys there's more than bare folks can understand here. Don't be so quick to judge.

Rosanna said:

In case you didn't know, methadone IS also approved for pain treatment, pregnancy included (in case she had lupus, she probably was without medications for lupus AND lupus does flare-up during pregnancy). So guys there's more than bare folks can understand here. Don't be so quick to judge.

mrmichael said:

Technically, the doc didn't do anything wrong. As usual, you get people who don't know squat about a case putting their uneducated comments forward....like Charles Winters.

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This page contains a single entry by Charles Winters published on March 9, 2007 1:47 PM.

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