Kenny Chesney comes out as a straight man!
I think we all pretty much assumed that the "fraud" behind Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger's in-and-out marriage and rapid separation was because Kenny is not a friend of Renee but infact a friend of Dorothy.
Kenny Chesney tells CBS's 60 Minutes that it isn't true. As a matter of fact, he's coming - as a straight American. Kenny swears he isn't on our team, and he wants to move out of the gay shadows by admitting to the world that he's a straight man.
"It's not true. Period. Maybe I should have come out and said, 'No, I'm not (gay),' but I didn't want to draw more attention to it.... I didn't have to prove to anybody that I wasn't (gay). I didn't feel like I really did," he said.
Despite having to come out and admit he is straight. Kenny says he has no regrets with marrying Renee. I wonder if Renee feels the same way?
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he's so gay
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