For a good cause or just seeking applause?

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When I was a reporter and even when I was the host at Kurfew in Manhattan, people called my personality "comedic."  Then when I "abandoned" Kurfew for Heaven, people called me "edgy."  Now, I'm just a bitch.  As if you don't already know, keep reading to find out why. 

I normally don't cause very much controversy in my writing, and it seems like when I do... it's over the most simple things.  I have a tendency to "tell it like it is," and I think people respect that.  Sometimes I dish gossip in my articles, but its entertaining and/ or informative for the most part. 

I have been called a publicity whore for making this my stance on bad publicity:  "at least bad publicity is still publicity."  I love publicity.  I really do.  I don't care if you're talking shit about me, as long as you're talking about me.  I'm actually upset this week, because I haven't received as much hate mail as usual.  (Please send hate mail directly to me at 

I also think there is a time when you should suck it up and let things slide.  For example when you're doing something for a non-profit or a 'good cause' you should suck it up even if you don't get the credit you feel like you deserve. 

Recently, I have gotten a bit of "feedback" over a simple press release that I added some quotation marks and moved around some words a bit.   It all happened before queerplanet merged with MyQueerSpace to become GenerationQ Media.  I wrote a basic article about a fundraiser for the Matthew Sheppard Foundation sponsored by the Center for Non-Violence and Prevention Programs at Montclair State University.  I accidently quoted the person who mailed the press release to me as the "organizer" when in fact he was just the "promoter."  A few days after the event, I received an email telling me that my article was wrong and that the writer (who wasn't the organizer either) was "just letting you know who the credit really belongs to."  Since the event had passed, I simply removed the story from the site.  During the merger, the article was accidently republished.  Today, I received a second letter correcting the article.  This well constructed letter was from the event coordinator.  She too wanted to tell me that she didn't think I gave enough credit to the Center for Non-Violence and Prevention Programs at Montclair State University and wrote "I believe this concern has been brought to the attention of Queer Planet last month and they stated the appropriate changes will be made, yet the article remains the same."

I made a mistake.  I messed up.  There, you have it in writing.  But I don't think the problem is mine here.  I think the real problem comes when someone is so concerned with making sure that the 'right' people get the recongition for the work done.

Great work for a great cause!  I hear the event was spectacular.  You did so well!  Pat yourself on the back!  I mean all of that sincerely.  It really is a good cause, and you did an amazing job.

But does it really matter who got credit as the "organizer?"  It shouldn't, and if it really matters that much... then maybe you did it for all the wrong reasons.  I hope that you didn't, and I'm sorry for being so harsh.

Maybe I am a bitch, maybe I am the Anna Wintour of gay media; but my heart is in the right place... and I hope yours is too!

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RoxyDanceNYC said:

you might be a bitch, but you taught me a lesson.

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This page contains a single entry by Charles Winters published on November 9, 2006 6:17 PM.

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