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When I was growing up, I was taught to never use the 'F-Word'.  The F-Word they were referring to was, of course, fuck.

Today a new F-Word has sprouted, of course I'm talking about faggot.  Don't freak out and call the Human Rights Campaign, I'm gay so I can say it... that's how it goes, right?

The word faggot has gotten a lot of attention lately.  It all started when Isaiah Washington called his Grey's Anatomy co-star TR Knight a faggot.  TR is a faggot, but Isiah is not so we don't have a match.  Washington went to rehab, was assumingly 'cured'.

Then republican mega bitch Ann Coulter comes along and makes fun of Washington saying that she would call democratic presidential candidate John Edwards a faggot but she can't or she would end up in rehab.  Later Coulter said she doesn't see anything wrong with using the word faggot or any other derivative of the word fag.  One by one papers across the country are dropping Coulter's syndicated column.

For those of you ignorant bigots who like Coulter don't know that faggot is a derogatory word that discriminates against another person or group of people who happen to be different than you, the same rules apply to the F-Word as apply to the N-Word. Don't use it or you might get your ass kicked.

And as a general rule of thumb, my grandmother would tell me that if you didn't have anything nice to say, then you shouldn't say anything at all.  So, have a nice week bitches.
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