Recently in Orlando Bloom Category

The long line of fancy limos and oversides SUV's may be a bit shorter this year as some of Hollywood's hottest trade in their gas guzzlers for smaller, more energy efficient models.

Global Green USA will provide 30 cars to shuttle the more energy conscious like Leonardo DiCaprio, Orlando Bloom, Al Gore and Davis Guggenheim, director of the Oscar-nominated documentary on global warming An Inconvenient Truth.

"The past years we only worked with the hybrid cars and this year we really wanted to promote alternative fuels and different technologies that represent what's next," said Matt Petersen, chief executive of Global Green USA.

Over 300 celebrities, including George Clooney, have signed up to buy the electric car that goes from 0 to 100kmh in four seconds (faster than most Porsches,) according to the maker of the new energy efficient vehicle.

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